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Yo, happy July! Apparently, people are reading this. I seem to get a couple of hits on this site. Still, from who? IDK, I just hope you're all cool. So... Yeah, this is sort of my blog/vlog area; it's pretty shat, but I hope to fix that soon. Any Ways UPDATES: Youtube a few months ago deleted one of my videos, and ever since then I have been considering leaving YouTube and just uploading here. NGL, this could be a bad idea, but fuck it. What's the point of that shitsite anyway? Now, because of this, I will need to make the site look semi-decent. The site, for the most part, looks okay, but for the most part, it's very LQ. I'm fine with that, but I need to do more to make it user-friendly. I know people better than me when it comes to this web stuff, so I'll ask them if they can teach me a thing or two. Also, in the future, I might move my website out of Neocites. Don't get me wrong. Neocities is a pretty dope website (the people who use it kind of Suck though), but that's just it. It's a website. If I'm to go forward, I need to completely cut this place out. All this is to say I'm not done. I have a bigger project that will hopefully come soon. But I need to get back to smaller projects. All in due time, I guess. That's all I have on my mind. See the cool ones soon, Jakob.